Lars Peterson (they/them) is the author of Sex Life of a Mormon Missionary / La vida sexual de un misonero mormón (Death Drive Press, 2023). They’re a writer, researcher, journalist, translator, historian, and activist. They earned their PhD in History, with an emphasis on Latin America, from the University of Pittsburgh in 2014; they received a Fulbright scholarship to Uruguay to study the origins of Uruguayan anarchism and the country’s welfare state. At present, they’re a board member for the Thomas Merton Center and a collective member of The Big Idea Bookstore where they serve as the editor of The Big Idea Newspaper.


Olivia Devorah Tucker (they/them) is a Jewish Demonologist, theatre collaborator, and challah sculptor. They are a Teaching Kollel Fellow at SVARA: A Traditionally Radical Yeshiva (home of Queer Talmud Camp), an alum of the University of Pittsburgh's Jewish Studies program, and former Rabbinic Assistant for Rodef Shalom Congregation. Their creative research has been published in the vegan cookbook collection "Feeding Women of the Talmud, Feeding Ourselves," edited by Kenden Alfond, "Olivia puts the femme in ephemera & the trans in translation!"

Socials: @TalmudMagic,


Halsey Hyer (they/them) is the author forthcoming full-length hybrid collection, Divorce Garter (Main Street Rag, 2024). Their micro chapbook of micro poems, Everything Becomes Bananas (Rinky Dink Press, 2022), was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2023, and their chapbook, [deadname] (Anhinga Press, 2022), won the 2022 Rick Campbell Chapbook Prize. Previously an MFA in Creative Writing candidate at Florida International University, they’re currently earning their MFA in Creative Writing from Chatham University as the 2022-2024 Margaret L. Whitford Fellow.

Socials: @enjoytheprocessoffuckingup,


Kayla Sargeson is the author of Twilight Zone Summer (Death Drive Press) as well as the full-length collection First Red and the chapbooks Head on a Shelf, BLAZE, and Mini Love Gun, all from Main Street Rag. Her poems appear in 5 AM, Cimarron Review, and South Dakota Review. With Lisa Alexander, she co-curates the Laser Cat reading series. Sargeson lives in Pittsburgh where she teaches at the University of Pittsburgh and the Community College of Allegheny County. From January—August 2022, she served as Interim Director of the Madwomen in the Attic writing workshops at Carlow University.

Socials: @unpredictablejalapeno


Brian Nuckols is a writer. His major interest is the use of empathy as a weapon against self hatred and social conformity. Main research themes include love, power, the language of dreams, and his body. Some works include the years 1991, 2011, 2016, and 2020. He’s in the process of procuring a vending machine for the Death Drive Press Vending Ma-zine project. 

Socials: @brian_nuckols